Overwatch 2 might as well be the only thing you’re hearing about lately. This is to be expected, because the initial release date is as close as the 4th of October 2022. With less than a month to spare, digging up whatever we can about the highly anticipated sequel takes primal importance. So let’s take a look at some interesting facts about OW2’s development, which would have major effects on the game itself, its creators and playerbase.
New Playgrounds
We all loved the maps from Overwatch, but surely OW2 needs something new to spice things up. This is exactly why the new maps were developed, bringing new and iconic locations to life for the players to wreak havoc on. The Dev team is particularly excited to introduce the Rome map, where a number of real-world features like its historic architecture, the Coliseum and the Seven Hills are integrated. Of course, it won’t be OW without its own futuristic spin on everything, so expect a teched up Rome.
The other map the Devs teased would be the New York City map of Overwatch 2. Alongside its signature high-tech vibe, expect some good ol’ NY traits like the bodegas, fire stations and pizza shops that give it a really authentic feel. All these new maps will have more cover to make-up for the missing Tank role.
It has already been established that OW2 would be free-to-play, according to director Aaron Keller. In other words, you can start playing right away after release without spending a dime. The Loot Boxes are completely gone too, and would be replaced with Seasonal unlock ladders for every avid player to enjoy. Each season will be up for a total of nine weeks, allowing you to earn the cosmetics naturally along the way as you play. All that means that it will be a huge potential for services that provide OW 2 boosting. Play more, earn more!
VP and commercial leader, Jon Spector states that they wish to expand the player base and audience around the globe. By dropping the barriers for entry, they hope that more people get to try the game, fall in love with it and then invite their friends into it.

Expect some major updates to PvP! The Dev team is actively experimenting with hero passives and may very well take on different forms in OW2. The best examples are how Tanks would have reduced knockback and decreased ult charge generation; DPS characters would have higher speeds (facilitating flank); and Sups having auto-heals that activate if they dont take damage for some time.
The sole Tank role is undergoing massive revamping. These characters would have more utility, like how Reinhardt now has two charges for Firestrike and can now steer and cancel his charge. They are large and in-charge brawlers who mustn’t fear anyone!

Visceral Combat
Developers have done some noteworthy changes to the audio and visual effects of OW2’s design, giving it a more visceral feel. The brain ain’t enough anymore, you gotta rely on your gut feelings too now! Combat has been overhauled and modernized to the point that even very minor attacks look and feel more satisfying and riveting.
The new Convolution reverb system is in place to let you and your team capture the acoustics of your environment and adjust the audio accordingly. No matter where you are in the map, the sound of your hero’s weapon reacting to the area around it would make a significant difference, paving way for a more immersive and responsive experience.

Spector stated they knew exactly how much we all love skins. Questions like “What do you get at each tier?” and “What do you get for free?” aren’t a main focus just yet, but they are thinking about how to make the old OW cosmetics available to new players.
In Overwatch 2, “Mythic” cosmetics are the peak unlock on each seasonal pass. These have higher rarity than Legendary drops and even have their own discrete customization! One of the very first Mythic skins you can expect is Genji’s. It is a good example of what to expect from future cosmetics, as it can be set to different colors like “Neon” or “Demonic,” changing the overall look of the characters and his weapon. They also have the capacity for enhancements like custom animations too!

A few more neat development facts:
- New and refined Hero Missions.
- Renewed looks for good ol’ Heroes.
- Further story and lore development.
- Secret upgrades in the form of voicelines to expand the lore.
- A ping system, to easily alert teammates to points of interest on the map.
- A PvP mode known as “Push” will be introduced (similar to tug of war).
- Two control point maps, like the Horizon Lunar Colony, won’t be available in OW2.
- Runs on an upgraded version of OW’s engine, allowing for larger map sizes.
- Blizzard stated that they put too much focus on OW2, leading to the downfall of OW. As such, OW2 would be released in parts for PvP and PvE.
- Kaplan voiced how they prioritized the quality of the product over the timeliness of its release.

There’s so many more interesting facts about Overwatch 2’s Development we could not include here. Truly, this article could go on for ages, but since we all have limited time on our hands, we made it a point to include the biggest ones. Eitherway, we hope we learned something engaging here and we hope to see you soon on the battlegrounds of Overwatch 2.